A band of brothers through and through who’ve played and grown together, each boy unique but each shows up, despite the British weather!
Their self-belief has grown as they’ve battled through each season, and each steps up to play his part and football is the reason!
Our coaches brave the cold and rain each training night and match days, their passion is quite clear to all; They guide them on the pathway.
Though all are dads and work full time. They never let the team down, the boys, in turn, are proud to represent their side of town.
Our football mums and dads stand on to cheer or console, ‘Cos everybody understands You might not win ‘em all but nonetheless, they soon bounce back Their eyes back on the ball, they pick each other up, like brothers do, when one does fall.
But the magic of this game we love It that it is a glue; A sticky sort of passion that unites our band of blue!
It binds our boys together, yes, football is the reason! Athletic fight, come rain or shine, To top the league this season!
Clay Sissing
Rob Speakman